
Topic #245 from The Daily Post
When is it ok to quit something?

(Super delayed post)

Remember the phrase “quitters are losers”? Well, it depends on the situation and reason, it is very subjective.

I think, it is okay to quit something when someone (even yourself) is negatively affected by your actions/decisions. Sometimes you just have to quit just to give way to something better or make someone happy, though. But quitting never guarantee any positive results unless you are very sure regarding your decision to quit. Unfortunately, if you are not sure, you will regret your decision for quite some time.

Random Thoughts – 20111120

I made a resolution to myself but it is very very hard and I am not sure if I can pursue it, but it is possible.

This insecurity, I think, just started last week. Usually, I just brush off things like these. But this time, I can’t handle it. I feel that the whole world is putting pressure on me, that I cannot escape. Society asserts what is expected and I feel that I should follow the trend or else I am doomed. I am having life my own way and I am fine with this. I don’t want to be dictated. But some are just unfair. Please do not over emphasize the obvious. I know my shortcomings but please don’t blunt what I lack and what should I have! I chose this life and I have my own decision with my life. I can take things at my own pace. And don’t make fun of it!

I just pray that I can get through this.