
I don’t want to get involved… But I wonder what are you doing right now… how are you?

On the other side…

We are related to each other, directly “linked”.

But unfortunately, we are not close, we were not formally introduced.

Though, our “link” did not made us as “linked” as supposed to be, I wonder what does our “link” think of us. Does our “link” want us to be anonymous with each other?

Well, our “link” cannot answer my question right now (unless in my dreams, but please don’t).

When time comes and our paths will cross, I guess, we are mature by then and we will accept each other.

But for now, I will remain the same. For the idea they taught me of you.

Take care.
Maybe I can help you someday.

Random Thoughts – 20120729

I’m not moving…
For almost two months, I’ve been inactive for some physical (exercise) activities. As few will say that my membership fee is wasted… I still can’t find myself going back to my previous routine.

I have not told you…
Crazy idea but my guts are not enough tell you those words. I guess I’m afraid at the same time. Maybe we should continue that way… or I can wait longer and gain strength to say those words.

I’m not staying...
I set a checkpoint and I also set my maximum duration. I can’t see myself staying for long there. But let’s see if plans could change.

I don’t program…
I want a new profession. I can be a backup singer or dancer. Hahaha. This one is a joke. :p

Pre-Quarterlife Crisis

I drafted this last 2011/08/30 so the following post is not my current state anymore. 🙂


I cannot gather my thoughts collectively. I feel that it is scattered and I cannot get the information that I really need.

I my state right now, it seems that I am not taking my plans so seriously. And to make things worse, I am taking some things lightly, as they come, as if it has no impact to me.

I think I am having pre-quarterlife crisis. On a lighter note, I am saying that it is “pre-” since I do not want to admit yet that I am getting old.

Every plans I had were not doing well and since new things come, I just simply accepted those things without thinking before I accepted it in the first place. Continue reading “Pre-Quarterlife Crisis”