The (Semi-) Batch Lunch Out

When: Friday, June 20, 2008
Where: KFC, Eastwood City

Another semi-batch bonding activity. “Semi” because, again, the batch wasn’t complete that time. As I remember, only the SE people were there. So you may say “The SE May 2008 Batch Lunch Out”? No, because I know a few from SE were unable to join us. Anyway, this was just another way to better know each of our batchmates. It was fun to occupy a long table instead on the usual annex building.

first lunch out Continue reading “The (Semi-) Batch Lunch Out”

The (Semi-) Batch Dinner Out

Friday – pay day and dinner out with my batchmates from work, the ci-tech May 2008 batch. Unfortunately, we were not complete last night since some of them have dates and/or have their own lakad.

After taking a free short snack offered (is lasagna a snack?) by our company, we went to a restaurant to eat dinner. A pizza for dinner? Why not. 😀 Some batchmates (that’s why some ) were playing bowling for the company’s sportsfest, so we decided to take very short look.

Continue reading “The (Semi-) Batch Dinner Out”