Random Thoughts – 20120729

I’m not moving…
For almost two months, I’ve been inactive for some physical (exercise) activities. As few will say that my membership fee is wasted… I still can’t find myself going back to my previous routine.

I have not told you…
Crazy idea but my guts are not enough tell you those words. I guess I’m afraid at the same time. Maybe we should continue that way… or I can wait longer and gain strength to say those words.

I’m not staying...
I set a checkpoint and I also set my maximum duration. I can’t see myself staying for long there. But let’s see if plans could change.

I don’t program…
I want a new profession. I can be a backup singer or dancer. Hahaha. This one is a joke. :p

What Exercise?

Topic #212 from The Daily Post
What is your favorite way to get exercise?

I do not get much exercise with my current lifestyle. The usual physical activity I do on a daily basis is to walk from home to the nearest public transport terminal (when going to work). That is about 10-minute 300-meter walk, including a footbridge. And then another 5-minute walk to get to my actual office building location.

a cross trainer

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